8 research outputs found

    Gathering information from transport systems for processing in supply chains

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    Paper deals with complex system for processing information from means of transport acting as parts of train (rail or road). It focuses on automated information gathering using AutoID technology, information transmission via Internet of Things networks and information usage in information systems of logistic firms for support of selected processes on MES and ERP levels. Different kinds of gathered information from whole transport chain are discussed. Compliance with existing standards is mentioned. Security of information in full life cycle is integral part of presented system. Design of fully equipped system based on synthesized functional nodes is presented.Web of Science6168067

    Ensuring the visibility and traceability of items through logistics chain of automotive industry based on AutoEPCNet Usage

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    Traceability in logistics is the capability of the participants to trace the products throughout the supply chain by means of either the product and/or container identifiers in a forward and/or backward direction. In today's competitive economic environment, traceability is a key concept related to all products and all types of supply chains. The goal of this paper is to describe development of application that enables to create and share information about the physical movement and status of products as they travel throughout the supply chain. The main purpose of this paper is to describe the development of RFID based track and trace system for ensuring the visibility and traceability of items in logistics chain especially in automotive industry. The proposed solution is based on EPCglobal Network Architecture


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    Vysledovatelnost v logistice lze definovat jako schopnost účastníků sledovat výrobky v dodavatelském řetězci pomocí identifikátorů. V dnešním konkurenčním ekonomickém prostředí je vysledovatelnost klíčovým pojmem souvisejícím se všemi výrobky a všemi typy dodavatelských řetězců. Cílem této práce je popsat vývoj HW i SW řešení, které umožní vytvářet a sdílet informace o fyzickém pohybu a stavu produktů při jejich přepravě v dodavatelském řetězci, zejména v automobilovém průmyslu. Práce se také zabývá důležitým aspektem implementace technologie RFID v automobilovém průmyslu a popisuje rozhraní pro výměnu dat s podnikovým informačním systémem SAP R / 3 pro kontrolu přijímaného materiálu. Hlavním cílem této práce je tak aplikovaný výzkum v oblasti technologií automatické identifikace (Auto-ID), resp. aplikovatelnost prostředků Auto-ID do prostředí automobilového průmyslu, a dále navrhnout a vyvinout takové řešení, které by splňovalo požadavky kladené vysledovatelnost v logistice automobilového průmyslu.Traceability in logistics is the capability of the participants to trace the products throughout the supply chain by means of either the product and/or container identifiers in a forward and/or backward direction. In today’s competitive economic environment, traceability is a key concept related to all products and all types of supply chains. The goal of this thesis is to describe development of HW and SW application that enables to create and share information about the physical movement and status of products as they travel throughout the supply chain, especially in automotive industry. The thesis also deals with an important aspect related to the implementation of RFID technology in the automotive industry and describes an interface for exchanging data between the RFID system and corporate information system SAP R/3 for checking the received material. The main aim of this thesis is research in the field of automatic identification technologies (Auto-ID), respectively the applicability of Auto-ID’s to the automotive industry, and to design and develop a solution that meets the automotive logistics requirements.545 - Katedra ekonomiky a systémů řízenívyhově

    Návrh zařízení pro ohřev mezipánve

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    PrezenčníKatedra zařízení hutních závodůNeuveden

    Gathering Information from Transport Systems for Processing in Supply Chains

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    Paper deals with complex system for processing information from means of transport acting as parts of train (rail or road). It focuses on automated information gathering using AutoID technology, information transmission via Internet of Things networks and information usage in information systems of logistic firms for support of selected processes on MES and ERP levels. Different kinds of gathered information from whole transport chain are discussed. Compliance with existing standards is mentioned. Security of information in full life cycle is integral part of presented system. Design of fully equipped system based on synthesized functional nodes is presented

    Development of SW interface between healthcare standards - DASTA and HL7

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    The prescription and administration of drugs are the most common process that takes place in hospitals. Although a relatively simple process, it is considered the riskiest process in hospitals because mistakes during drug administration are among the most common ones. The aim is to introduce technological and process changes that will contribute to maximally increase the safety of the medication process and the efficiency of drug management. To support the automation of the medication process, it is desirable to use the international standard Health Level 7 (HL7). However, the Czech healthcare system currently supports the local healthcare standard-DASTA. For that reason, the paper introduces some of the options how to transfer data from DASTA to HL7 and deals with the development of a software (SW) interface that converts data necessary for robotic preparation of patient medication from the Czech DASTA data standard to the HL7 international standard used by selected robotics. Based on the performed analyses, a combination of robotics for the preparation of single-dose packages of drugs with one of the automated warehouses is recommended.Web of Science1218art. no. 764

    Zastosowanie pakietu RFID w systemie gospodarki odpadami

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    An integral part of the consumer unit's life cycle includes its disposal or disposal of the distribution packaging. RFID tag used to identify the product can provide identification of the product itself as well as the packaging. This information can be used in the waste selective sorting process with regard to the safe management of waste and to optimize its secondary use. However, at this time the implementation of the RFID tag to each consumer unit is still a vision for the future, the use of RFID technology in waste management is already a real issue. Automatic identification and data capture of municipal waste containers emptying process can provide very useful information. Such information is important both for the customer who can be sure that he pays for the real services, as well as for the service providers, allowing them to easily and reliably prove the contractual service of the collection and treatment of waste. This article deals with the application of RFID technology to identify the time and place of containers with municipal waste emptying and the benefits of the system based on this principle.Integralną częścią analizy cyklu życia (LCA) urządzenia jest jego unieszkodliwianie i gospodarka odpadami opakowaniowymi. Znacznik RFID używany jest do identyfikacji produktu i opakowania. Informacje te mogą być wykorzystane w procesie selektywnego sortowania odpadów w celu bezpiecznego gospodarowania odpadami i do optymalizacji wtórnego wykorzystania. Jednak obecnie wdrażanie znaczników RFID dla każdej jednostki jest wciąż wizją przyszłości, a technologia RFID w gospodarce odpadami stanowi wyzwanie. Automatyczna identyfikacja i zbieranie danych w procesie zbierania odpadów komunalnych może dostarczyć użytecznych informacji. Takie informacje są ważne zarówno dla klienta, który może mieć pewność, że płaci za rzeczywiste usługi, jak również usługodawców, umożliwiając im łatwe i niezawodne świadczenie usług umownych w zakresie zbierania i przetwarzania odpadów. W niniejszym artykule omówiono zastosowanie znaczników RFID w celu określenia czasu i miejsca pojemników z opróżnieniem odpadów komunalnych oraz zaletami systemu opartego na tej zasadzie.Web of Science1767